First Aid

The First Aid course is designed to provide rescuers with the fundamental skills to recognize and treat medical emergencies. This course will teach students scene safety. Also the signs and symptoms of diabetes, stroke, and seizures, and how to best treat these emergencies. Students will also learn how to control bleeding, treat shock and burns, and minimize spinal damage due to head and spine injuries. In addition, students will get hands-on practice in dealing with blood-borne pathogens safely, controlling bleeding, and dealing with broken bones and sprains.

Course Length: Approximately 4 hours

Intended Audience

This course is recommended for the general public who might respond to medical emergencies. First aid training would be especially valuable to construction, warehouse, and factory workers, coaches, teachers, child care providers, babysitters, security personnel, and facility M.E.R.T (Medical Emergency Response Teams) members.

Basic First Aid provides first responders with training in basic first aid procedures—including the first aid skills recommended by OSHA. The course covers first aid basics, medical emergencies, injury emergencies, and environmental emergencies.


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